Why do we give so much power to SELF-DOUBT? You know, those times we feel we are not measuring up to whatever is put in front of us. We all have it, and it can control our life…if we let it. The little voice we hear gives us just enough doubt, we start to question ourselves. We don’t want to give it power and we certainly know it’s not good for us. Many times we don’t even know we are allowing self-doubt to run our lives… until it’s too late! We back off and give in…because the voice of self-doubt is so screaming loud!

WHAT IS SELF DOUBT?   It’s that negative, critical voice living in your head. The one constantly saying to you “I’m not good enough,” “I can’t do this or that,” “I am going to fail,” “Its too hard,” “I am not sure,” “I don’t know how,” and “What if.” FEAR is the fuel when it comes to this beast. Sometimes it ambushes you and stops you dead in your tracks, other times is through a convincing whisper. Either way it destroys any goals you may have set, stops you from taking any risks, wipes away your confidence and self-esteem, won’t allow you to believe in yourself, strips you of inner joy and personal satisfaction…by leaving behind, just enough doubt to keep you questioning yourself!

Self- doubt is negative, and loves to cast a dark shadow on our lives. The harder we try to eliminate it, the harder it tries to do battle. Self-doubt, when we allow it, causes you to question everything about you as a person, your abilities, intent, beliefs and actions. It leads to the development of insecurities and indecision. Self-doubt is a part of human nature, but, it can be managed, so it no longer holds you back in life.


  1. Recognize self-doubt when it comes to the surface. Don’t ignore it… it won’t go away. Bring it out into the open so you can do something about it!
  2. Take responsibility for it. “This is my self-doubt, I own it. I am no longer going to let it have power and control over me.”
  3. Dig deep and ask yourself why am I doubting myself and where did this all come from. What triggered the self -doubt in the first place and when does it tend to show itself?. The more you know about when and why your self-doubt is surfacing, the more power you will have to defeat it! Ask yourself “Are my fears “real” or “imagined” or maybe a combo of both?”
  4. Recall your success, victories and the times you have overcome self- doubt in the past. Make a list and refer to it often. It will help you to see you have what you need to overcome it once again!
  5. Trust yourself and by all means be good to yourself. We all have-self-doubt, its just a part of human nature. But it doesn’t have to be a big part of your life, if you learn how to tame it!
  6. Drown out the voice of self-doubt by replacing it with positive self- talk such as “I can,” “I will,” “I believe” and “I am.”
  7. Put together your own unique plan to overcome self-doubt when it pops up again, because it always finds a way into our lives when we least expect it! Anticipate any roadblocks along the way, and have people waiting to support you when you need it!

Is self-doubt interfering with your happiness and success? Do you have a strategy for dealing with self-doubt when it shows up in your life?

Remember you have everything you need to overcome self-doubt, don’t let it hold you back from getting what you want most in life!

Take away the power SELF DOUBT plays in your life starting today…it’s a choice you get to make!

Is self-doubt a common occurrence in your life and relationships…do you have a plan to tame your self-doubt? I would love to hear your story!

About the Author Lorrie Millet

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