Last night, the issue sending Sophie into tears… was not really the issue she was crying about! Let me explain…because in the end…it is a hilarious story about emotions, women, tears…oh ya, and veggies!

It began when Sophie’s husband went on a 2 week nutrition program to detox and lose a few unwanted pounds! He wanted to stick to the plan, exactly, to see if the results would be similar to what the nutrition company had guaranteed. He thought, if he stuck to the plan and the results were not as promise…well, he would get a full refund, so it worth sticking to the advised plan. The plan required a lot of veggies which meant a lot of washing, dicing, chopping, sautéing and Sophie was feeling quite put out with all the veggie work she was doing over the past week! Even though she knew this was the healthy way to eat, washing and chopping was not what she wanted to do everyday in life, not even for two weeks!

Sophie continued to uncover and reveal the details over the course of our conversation together.   Picking up on her not so great mood, her husband Clint, went ahead and asked the much dreaded question, “What’s wrong?” “ What’s wrong, how can you even ask” she snapped at him “I am glad this program is only two weeks long and we are on week two! I am sick and tired of all this veggie chopping and don’t even know how I can do it for one more day,” Sophie whined.  Clint said “You got it wrong…Its six weeks, not two!” “WHAT, no way, I can’t I do this for six weeks,” Sophie protested!  “Fine, I can do it all myself” he hurled back at her. “You do your own thing, I can take care of myself and my own program” he said in a curt voice. “How am I supposed to endure another agonizing month of washing and slicing the massive amount of veggies on your plan, its taking up all my free time” she said. “I would rather have you in a good mood and cooking less, I’m sorry I am such an inconvenience to you” he tossed her way.

Then Sophie paused for a moment, let out a sigh and finished telling me the rest of her story!”

“We really got into it… about how he was yelling at me and how I can’t hear a single thing he says when he’s yelling. He claims he’s not yelling, just trying to make a point and of course throws in the one-two punch…”aren’t you overreacting”… which of course, upset me even more so. We kept hurling comments across the table…neither one of us able to make sense out of where the other was coming from, both naturally losing our appetites, especially for the veggies! The anger was turning into resentment by the minute. I sat there with my head down and the tears started falling into my culinary work of art. I thought to myself, how could I have wasted so much time on a healthy unappreciated meal like this, just to sit here and get blasted? I was really mad!”

“Then, I got up from the table and said, “I need to change my environment,” a nicer way of saying “I need to get out of here” she said. “Ya, go find something you can do to make yourself happy” Clint said. “I became even angrier as I walked up those stairs to get to a quieter place so I could think” she went on to say. “Then, I sat on my bed in the dim light and started using some of the tools I had learned over the past few weeks to help me sort through times like these!”

Many times the issue you are trying to work through is not the real issue that needs to be addressed! To see HOW Sophie was able to work through her situation with Clint, read my final post on their story!

About the Author Lorrie Millet

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