You loved him and he broke your heart into a million pieces. You have done everything you can to try and move on with your life…but it’s not working! You think about him all day, but you can’t get his face out of your head! He is consuming EVERY waking moment! Your friends are saying “Hey Girl…it’s time to sever the ties and take back the power and energy he is stealing away!” “It’s time for you to start living again!”

How can you actually forget about someone who is taking up so much space in your head and in your heart?

I came across an interesting article about pain during a breakup and how to get over him! Pain as we know, is unavoidable during a breakup, but, prolonged suffering is a choice YOU make. Grieving a breakup is one thing, but what if YOU choose to not let go of the guy, after all its been months or even years now. Could you be putting yourself through some unnecessary suffering? Here are six steps to take when you can’t seem to get him out of your head and need to Get Over That Guy:

  1. Break off all contact…Of course, it’s going to be hard. But a clean and absolute break off is the most crucial component of getting over somebody, It lets you start healing. What if “no contact” is not a choice because, maybe, you work together? Avoid events that you don’t absolutely have to go to, and resist the desire to coax mutual friends or colleagues for information. When you do need to interact with him, keep it concise and abstain from any resolutions of love or war. You’ll be able to triumph later about how your coping just fine attitude drove him crazy.
  2. No sleeping with him… during sex, the hormone oxytocin is discharged, which causes a feeling of attachment. This is exactly what you don’t want.
  3. Feel free to wallow…Putting off the pity party will just come back later to haunt you. Matters will be tough for a while, so Cry…Cry…Cry. Get it out.
  4. Remember what went wrong…For this one you’ll need a close objective friend who can tell you the truth, softly. Ask her what she believes the problems were, then search for patterns in former relationships so you’ll be able to keep from doing it over again…And again. Think about what it was that held the relationship together, what made you happy. When you are able to identify your role in the good and the bad issues, you’ll do much better in your next relationship.
  5. Keep yourself number 1…while you get through the first grief-stricken period of your breakup. Start traveling again, do your hair the way you like it. Get back into some hobbies or start new ones. The person you are today isn’t anything like who you were when you were with him…Your better now!
  6. Get on with your life…At some point you’ve got to take heart, even if that stands for faking it for a while. Listen to this…Folks who act happy, by smiling a lot more, laughing, in reality become more cheerful!

In my personal opinion as a coach, breaking off all contact, may be the most helpful, but, the hardest to do! Its easy to say you will stay away…but we have this innate need to be loved and when we think a little love may be coming our way, false or real…we tend to gravitate towards it…as women, it’s a natural thing to do.

But when this guy is a part of your everyday thoughts or is still hanging around, you are NOT going to forget about him! Now if you take it even one step further and you choose to sleep with the guy, then, you are the one setting yourself up for heartache and a temporary band aid on the pain! Take a break! Take time for yourself, you deserve it! Take the time to learn what you want, and don’t want in a loving relationship and what you have learned from the relationship.

Make sure you take care of yourself while you get ready to get back in the saddle again! Yes that’s right! Get yourself ready to start dating again, because, as soon as you get over this guy, your heart will be open to love again and to be loved by a new special someone! Click here xxx to learn more on “Self Care During Your Breakup.”

BROKEN HEARTS DO HEAL AND SO CAN YOURS!!!!!! Are you ready to start living your life again! I would love to have you share you story!

About the Author Lorrie Millet

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