July 23, 2014

She is a winner…and she doesn’t listen to other’s who tell her differently! She has her own definition and is totally clear on what it looks like to be a winner in her life. It is etched deep inside of her, on her heart! Does she ever change her definition….yes, whenever she feels the need for an adjustment…its her rite and her prerogative to change and adjust! She has core values and builds her life around them.

She knows her life has meaning and lives it out with purpose and passion. She has goals, she has dreams she has personal desires and aspirations. She knows with hard work her dreams can be reached and her goals achieved. She knows what she wants in life and goes after it! She respects herself and expects others to do the same. She knows winning is not just an action verb, but a feeling you have deep within your heart. Does she get off course and wander, sure she does, but she knows she can find her way back, she has always found her way back. Does everything always go her “winning” way? No, many times it doesn’t and she has to get back up and start all over again.

She tries to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. She forgives, then sets boundaries to protect herself. She knows she has gifts that were meant to be shared and does not take those gifts for granted. She believes in herself and is open to new experiences and trying new things. She’s spontaneous and tries to live each moment to the fullest. She believes in herself and takes full responsibility for her own happiness. She knows life is fragile and each and every day is a gift! She embraces life and all it has to offer her! SHE IS A WINNER! THIS WINNER IS YOU!

DO YOU FEEL LIKE A WINNER IN LIFE? What does a winner look like to you…I would love to hear your perspective!

About the Author Lorrie Millet

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