HELLO GIRLS…I’m Coach Lorrie, founder of  “Purple Cheetah Life” and I would love to share some of my personal story with you!

At the very core of what drives me is my PASSION for helping people find joy and fulfillment in their relationships and in their lives – TRUE HAPPINESS!  Our relationships are such a vital part of our life and when they are not on track, neither is our life. But when they are going well, our self-esteem is elevated, our security is solid, and our need for love and acceptance is met…we feel on top of the world! I simply love helping people find their path to having fulfilling relationships and a balanced, rewarding life…YOU deserve to be happy!

I have been married to an awesome guy for many years. But like many of you, not all of those years were rosy. In fact, some of those years were quite difficult and challenging. But, we managed to take the much harder path of staying together and working through the MANY challenges life seemed to throw at us, one lemon right after the other! But, with a lot of hard work, time and effort on both our parts, we slowly became stronger individually, then, began to build a solid foundation as a couple…one that would endure and thrive under life’s pressures! While the climb was steep at times, the rewards on the other side of the mountain were well worth the investment of time and energy! We both agreed staying together was the best decision we could have ever made, even though it didn’t seem like it at the time! Today, we look back and are truly amazed at the growth that has taken place in our relationship…we are strong and have what we need to overcome the adversity, life sends our way! Transformation does happen…it happened to “me”…and it happened to “us!” Do we still have challenges? Of course we do, every relationship has it’s challenges at times, big or small…but that’s a normal part of being in a relationship with someone. Only now, we have the tools and strategies needed to keep the love alive and to keep the relationship thriving!

I am the MOM to three wonderful kids – 2 daughters and a son! My little darlings grew up fast and before I knew it, my rocking chair and their salt water sandals were replaced with stadium bleachers, cleats, and ballet slippers. Then one day I woke up and realized I had 3 teenagers in my house and with them a whole new meaning to the concept of “relationship issues!” My parenting skills were rapidly refined, my patience constantly tested, and relationship challenges became a part of everyday life! My teens have taught me so much and I thank them for it!

I love dogs and have a border collie named Harley! He is a constant companion and brings both joy and entertainment to our family every day! But the thing I like most about dogs is the unconditional love they give to you…and they are such good listeners!

I started my career as a Relationship and Life Coach nine years ago. Working through my own life/relationship challenges and working with many incredible clients has allowed me to create my unique Purple Cheetah Life 4-R’s Process for both relationships and life challenges. This personally customized process, to fit your unique circumstances and needs (remember, no two people or situations are alike) has helped so many people, in perhaps similar situations to yours , reach fulfillment and joy in their relationships! This is the passion and success behind the Purple Cheetah Life approach!

I am blessed to live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest! Seattle is the most amazing city, especially when the sky is blue and the sun is shining. I love to have fun in life and treat each day as a gift! I enjoy getting out on the lake in my ski boat and taking in some of the best scenery in the world! I also enjoy playing tennis, gardening, exercising, hiking, dancing, traveling, adventures, our local sports teams (love the team spirit), music and concerts, and spending time with friends and family…and I love to laugh!

My story is one of love, learning, and happiness. I feel totally blessed with the life I have and the people in it. It doesn’t always happen this way; we have to work at it. I had to work at mine. But the rewards are great! Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little more…I can’t wait to hear your story!

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