June 25, 2014

I stood there in amazement…why hadn’t I seen this before…it was spectacular! For as far as I could see…all along the path, both sides, along the creek, down in the ravine and up on the hill…they all stood tall, begging for my attention! I had walked this path all week long without seeing this overwhelming gift, right in front of me… and now, they were all I could see! Bleeding Hearts….everywhere…hundreds, no, thousands of them calling out to me to slow down…stop….look and take it all in!

I was intrigued by the mere fact they were called “bleeding hearts” so I did what most of us would do…I picked one! I examined it and thought it was one of the coolest flowers ever…the way it is actually shaped exactly like a heart, and looks like it is actually bleeding too….a sad dripping flower, why would there be such a flower, I wondered?

I thought of this flower being a symbol for so many of our human hearts…bleeding, broken, hurting, damaged, sad, human hearts. These flowers became more beautiful and meaningful by the minute as I became surrounded and entrenched in the symbolism and uniqueness of such a creation in nature.

At first, I thought of my dad and how his heart must look like this inside, after losing my mom such a short time ago. I thought of my friends and the bleeding hearts they are suffering from in their broken relationships, so many of them.  I thought of the my old neighbor and how her heart was gushing after her boyfriend just up and left last weekend, without any warning “not in love anymore” he said. I thought of another friend, who just found out her husband had contracted an STD from his extracurricular activities at the office.

I began to think of the bleeding hearts in my own neighborhood, and all the bleeding hearts I have seen as a coach. Just like the thousands of flowers surrounding me… the bleeding, hurting human hearts started to surface and seemed to multiply by the second.

I was so intrigued, I decided I wanted to bring back just one of these perfect little heart shaped flowers to show my hubby…I know sounds strange…but to me, it really isn’t. You see, we had a time when both our hearts were bleeding, they were gushing, and the bleeding was hard to stop…but after a lot of work and effort on both our parts, the gushing turned to trickles…then to drops…and then it finally, stopped!

I began my search for the perfect, flawless little bleeding heart flower. I must have looked for 20 minutes… and you know what…I couldn’t find one that was without some kind of flaw in it. I must have been in a creative thinking state because…again I thought, just like our human hearts, once we have been hurt, deceived, let down, criticized, cheated on, lied to…we develop a little flaw, a little scar in our hearts…something that reminds us of our past hurt and pain.

But the human heart, just like the “bleeding heart” and all of its flaws….can be one of the most beautiful parts of all of us! Even the most beat up, dinged up, weathered, scared; flawed “bleeding, broken human heart” can become loving, gentle, kind, strong, courageous…beaming with beauty and radiance…and just might be one of the most lovable things about you!

The condition of our hearts…regardless of the pain and suffering of our past…in spite of all the scaring and flaws…whether its bleeding or not right now…is the most important part of you! Your “heart” is your home to the true YOU and is what allows you to feel and to love and be loved! This very special part of you needs to be nurtured, guarded, protected and given lots of TLC on a daily basis! In your heart you will find wonderful treasures, sometimes treasure you didn’t even know you had!

What is the condition of YOUR heart…and what are you doing to take care of it?

Is your heart bleeding right now…or have you stopped the bleeding?   I would love to hear your story and insights!

About the Author Lorrie Millet

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