Is FEAR a Rejection Tool Being Used Against You?

At first, it didn’t really bother Heather and she would laugh it off thinking he was joking around. But, over time, she noticed she was starting to avoid

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Breaking the Cycle of Co-Dependency Part 3 of 3

Dana was tired of being taken for granted day after day by everyone in her family.   She spent countless hours worrying about her husband Andy. Would be coming

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Is Co-Dependency Hurting your Relationship? Part 2 of 3

…WAS KRISTEN RESPONSIBLE FOR TIM’S HAPPINESS? When I talked with Kristen she was in a state of exhaustion and desperation! She said her whole life was one big

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Is Co-Dependency Hurting your Relationship? Part 1 of 3

She was miserable every single day of the week and had been for several years. Crying herself to sleep had slowly become the norm. One evening, Kristen, a

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10 Steps to Being Happy…In an Emotionally Abusive Relationship Part 4 of 4

Not everyone wants to leave an emotionally abusive relationship! Maybe there are plenty of good things still happening in your romantic relationship, so many that you tolerate the

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Do You want to Break the Cycle of Emotional Abuse? Part 3 of 4

Keith grabbed Debra’s arms, pushed them above her head and pinned her against the kitchen wall. He got in her face and yelled, “I hate your hair tramp,

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Am I Being Emotionally Abused? Part 2 of 4

Like you saw in the story on Melanie and Bob in the previous post, Emotional Abuse…is it happening to you, abuse is subtle, it sneaks up on you

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Emotional Abuse…is it happening to you? Part 1 of 4

Melanie hated Bob with a passion, even though her main objective was to win over Bob’s love. She never knew she was being emotionally abused and as a

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