7 Ways to Get Rid of SELF-DOUBT Once and for All

Why do we give so much power to SELF-DOUBT? You know, those times we feel we are not measuring up to whatever is put in front of us.

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What does SUCCESS Look Like for You?

Blood sweat and tears, hard work, maximum effort, striving for more, having power, being the best, excelling in all you do, climbing to the top, being famous, always

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Becoming a WINNER

She is a winner…and she doesn’t listen to other’s who tell her differently! She has her own definition and is totally clear on what it looks like to

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10 Steps to Building a Suspension Bridge in Life

Do you need to make some changes in your life? Maybe you have made a decision to finally take the plunge and go after a dream you have

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Some Solutions…”Golden Nuggets”

GOLDEN NUGGETS…are valuable!  Let me tell you about these incredible little gems! OK, we all can agree that life seems to never stops teaching us lessons…right? Some of

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How To Approach Life…10 Lessons Learned

I found an awesome list on 10 lessons we can all use, when it comes how we approach our lives, written by Donna Gephart. I found each of

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Letting GO

I found this floating around my FB newsfeed, perhaps you have seen it? This is a short but impactful insight to what “letting go” really is! It speaks

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Getting “Unstuck” – Part 2 of 2

I was sitting by the water following my realization that morning, that the diagnosed had consumed my entire being and I was not in a good place. I

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Being Stuck – Part 1 of 2

WARNING: This blog post is about loving and losing someone I was very close to and may bring some emotions to the surface if you have lost someone

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Winners Make The World a Better Place To Be!

When I run across something moving and inspiring, the first thing I want to do is pass it along to my readers! What is a definition of a

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