5 Easy Steps to Protect Yourself from the Gravitational Pull in a Relationship – Part 2 of 2

“It feels like your entire body is being controlled by something else. Its like chocolate dangling right in front of you and you want to taste it so

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5 Warning Signs You are Crossing the Line in Your Relationship – Part 1 of 2

Everyone loved Lysa at the office!   She was a confident, well respected, hard worker and had great leadership qualities as a manager. When it came to her personal

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When you forgive someone…did you know you don’t have to do it for them…you can do it for “YOURSELF.” When you forgive, you are allowing all the positive

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Honesty Issues in a Relationship

More bad news came that day for Lindsey. All along, Landon, her husband, kept telling her, “our finances are great, we are in real good shape.” But earlier,

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8 Tips for Dealing with First Time Liars

LIAR, LIAR…ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH ONE? Someone has lied to you and its playing havoc on your relationship? You have NO IDEA why they would do

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The 5 Shades of Lying

ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A LIAR? Nothing stings more than being lied to, especially if it’s by someone you really care about. While, a lie IS

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What Does “Healthy” Look Like in a Relationship?

WHAT IS A “PERFECT” relationship? Do they even exist? If you have ever seen a perfect relationship…please let me know… because, after all these years in coaching, I

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If you Have Had an Affair

These may be some of the hardest words you have ever had to say “Yes ___, I had an affair.” You watch as your husband slowly crumples up

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Rebuilding Trust with Your Spouse After You’ve had an Affair – 6 Keys to Rebuilding Trust

“I lost the trust of my husband the day I told him about the affair, Marita said, in our first session together. “Lying, deception and sneaking were all

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The “8 Steps” to Affair Proofing a Troubled Romantic Relationship – Part 3 of 3

No matter where you are at in your relationship right now…whether it is hitting rock bottom, like Kendra and Kurt, or in a state of smooth sailing…it is

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