April 23, 2014

When you forgive someone…did you know you don’t have to do it for them…you can do it for “YOURSELF.” When you forgive, you are allowing all the positive awesomeness to come back into your life, all the good stuff starts to fill the holes where the bitterness and resentment took up residence in your heart, festering and growing every single day.

When you forgive for yourself, you are replacing negative energy with positive energy which is much lighter than the rocks of resentment you were lugging around in your purse or backpack! Forgiveness allows you to be free from the weights and shackles holding you down and allows you to start living again with purpose and intention! Your life begins to fill up with peace, contentment, joy, love, goodness and happiness.

By forgiving someone, are you setting yourself up to get hurt again…NO, because you have set boundaries with consequences in place from here on out. If they choose to bust your boundaries…they will have consequences to pay this time…and they will know it.

What if they are no longer in your life? Write them a letter, letting them know what you are forgiving them for. Forgive with your words, then forgive with your heart……walk away leaving the bitterness and resentment behind, a weight will be lifted.

You forgive for yourself not expecting anything in return, not even a response, you cannot control what they say or do…that’s on them not you! But you will forgive so you can be free from the rocks.

You forgive… take a rock out of your purse…set it on the ground…and walk away. You feel lighter. You forgive again, take a rock out of your purse or backpack, set it on the ground…and walk away. You keep doing this until all the rocks are gone.

You jump out of the victim role into the manager role, and begin managing your own life and happiness. You feel free again…The weights and rocks are gone.

Have you been carrying around rocks of bitterness and resentment with you? Just think how life would look, to be free from those heavy boulders! What rocks can you take out of your purse today? Don’t wait any longer…forgiveness is a choice only you can make…let it be the gift you give yourself today!

What rock will you take out of your purse and set on the ground today?

About the Author Lorrie Millet

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