What is coaching?

In a nutshell, coaching is a process in which two people, coach and client (you and me) work together towards one common goal… to make your life and relationships awesome! It is about teamwork and support, fresh perspectives and creativity, discovery and awareness, empowerment, designing strategies and taking action to get you to where you want to go in life and in your relationships! For details on Coaching with Purple cheetah Life click HERE

Are there different types of coaches?

YES! Coaches are certified in specific areas and it is possible for a coach to be certified in more than one area! Some of the most common coaches are Life coaches, Relationship coaches, Business coaches, Career coaches, Executive Coaches, Spiritual coaches, Christian coaches, Wellness coaches, Youth Parent Family coaches, Success coaches just to name a few. Under my “Professional Coach” certification I specialize in “Relationship Coaching” “Life Coaching” and “Youth, Parent & Family coaching.”

What are the advantages of coaching over the phone?

Most of my coaching sessions are done over the phone, which gives my clients freedom, flexibility and convenience with their busy schedules!

Client convenience! Phone calls can happen anywhere, anytime, under any conditions. A client can fit a coaching call into his/her busy schedule much easier than by hoping in the car and rushing off to a coaches office clear across town! Clients can be on coaching calls at work, home, Starbucks, in their car, on vacation, traveling on business, so many options and flexibility for the client’s convenience!

Clients share more over the phone! Let’s face it, if you have someone staring right at you for an hour, it can be intimidating, right? Phone coaching allows the client to relax and be at ease in their own environment which allows them to put down walls they may otherwise have up. When you are feeling more relaxed and comfortable, you are able to dig deeper and share more. When you can minimize your outside distractions, you are much more focused and can think clearly! Big benefits to being in the environment you choose!

It is cost and time efficient. You do not have to spend time or money driving to a coaches’ office. No time spent looking for parking, no parking fees and no gas money expenditures either! No business overhead costs and a big benefit…you didn’t have to take any time off work! You can have your session on lunch hours, breaks, before or after work, on your day off or whenever you have free time! You have the freedom and flexibility to be coached from any place you choose!

With modern technology, staying connected has never been easier for you and I! Coaching is much more than a one hour, once a week or every other week call. Coaching at Purple Cheetah Life is about staying connected and being supported in between sessions, all week long… via voice to voice, text, email, messaging or whatever form of communication works best for you! “Staying connected” means you always know, you have support!


Every coaching session is an action packed, 60 minutes. The focus is all on you, your situation and the results you want!  As we begin our session together it is important to make sure you feel relaxed and comfortable, because we are more productive when you are relaxed and at ease! You are the one in charge of the sessions and you call the shots and determine which path you want to go down. You drive the agenda, and we will go at whatever pace you desire.   If you are not sure what you want to talk about during our session, no worries, it is my job to help bring the topic into the light!

We will explore your current symptoms and unique situation, so we can determine exactly what is getting in the way of your happiness when it comes to both your relationships and and life. This begins the first step of the process, the RESCUE.  To learn more about the Purple Cheetah Life 4R’s  “RESCUE” Process in greater detail click HERE During this step we work to make sure you are on a path to becoming healthy and strong so you will be able to make the changes you want to make. Together we will determine the most important issues in need of our immediate attention.

I work closely with you through a discovery process by asking you powerful thought provoking questions which in turn brings a fresh perspective, new awareness and options and choices you may not have thought about before.  Throughout the coaching process you will begin to have a crystal clear picture of what you want your life and relationships to look like from here on out, this is called your “personal vision.” Through this step you are empowered and motivated to make improvements and changes, eliminating what did not work for you in the past.

Based on the results you desire, we team up and create an overall plan and design strategies and tools for helping you to make those changes, whether it be in your relationships, life balance or both. In each session we will put together an action plan for the week, as well as a plan to overcome any obstacles, barriers or roadblocks you think may pop up along the way! These action steps, with tangible goals in mind, bring you closer to having the life you want!

Throughout the process you are empowered and motivated because you are getting rid of the old way of doing things, those ways that didn’t work for you in the past.  You are re[lacing it with something that will bring to you, your desired results, something that will bring happiness back into your life!  We navigate through the entire process together, every step of the way and if you have a setback, I’m right there to pick you up! We celebrate every obstacle you overcome, and each and every victory along the way!  By the end of every session, it is my goal to make sure you leave our session with exactly what you were looking for!

What’s the difference between a LIFE COACH and a RELATIONSHIP COACH?

Life coaching is more generalized coaching, and covers every area of a person’s life; personal, career, social, health, spiritual, life balance, family etc. Working with a Life Coach will help you to achieve your personal goals, for example, having more confidence, a job change, achieving personal dreams, and making life changes!  Life coaching is for people who are looking to make adjustments or changes so they will get more out of their life! Whatever your goals may be, a professional life coach gives you motivation, accountability, support, perspective, feedback and encouragement to help you get to where you want to be!


Relationship Coaching is a life coaching “Specialization” which helps people find greater joy and happiness in their relationships! A relationship coach is specifically trained in all areas and types of “Relationships” including romance, family, friends, teens, co-workers and everything in between! Relationship coaching focuses on relationship issues and understanding relational dynamics and people interactions! They help you to understand your current relationships, get clarity on what you are thinking, offer new perspectives, help you to set goals within a relationship, grieve a breakup or loss of a loved one, help you to take your relationship to the next level, and the list goes on! A relationship coach also helps you to acquire the right tools and strategies so you can find happiness and fulfillment in your relationships! Relationship coaching includes relationships you have with all the people in your life, even the relationship you have with the most important person in your life…YOU! Yes, the relationship we have with ourselves is ever so important to our happiness!


A COACH focuses on the present and the future of your life! We meet you right where you are today and take you to where you want to go!   We don’t stay in your past, or focus on the pain of your past! We accept your past as just that, the past…a place where lots of learning and experience took place! Coaching is about teamwork, a partnership between two people working together towards a common goal…YOUR GOAL! Working with a coach is all about moving a generally healthy person forward and is totally action based and goal oriented!    Coaching is driven by you the client, is positive, life changing and so empowering and rewarding!

A therapist, psychologist or counselor tends to focus on emotional and behavioral problems of the client’s Past, by revisiting previous heartaches and trauma. They take a look at old wounds by revisiting the pain so they can understand how their past has affected who they are today.  Working with a therapist etc. is usually for a longer duration than coaching is.  For some people who have intense issues or underlying medical issues, this can be the right choice for them! They also specialize in mental disorders and illnesses and can give the client a diagnosis. The sessions are driven and controlled by the therapist, psychologist or counselor, not the client. If you are not sure whether you need a coach or a psychologist…I can help you make the right decision…I want you to have the right person working with you!


My role as your coach is to support you every step of the way as you work towards having the life and relationships you want! I can assure you, I will be non-judgmental, honest and will keep all conversations between the two of us confidential at all times! I will I follow the  ICF code of ethics  and will offer you an exceptional client experience, because I truly care! I will work with you and help you to think outside the box, offer a fresh perspective, help you to discover hidden possibilities you have within yourself, stimulate creativity, and will stretch you to think in ways you may not have before, and… I will always respect YOU and what you have to say! To me, YOU are royalty and you will be treated that way!


To get ready to live an exceptional life and to have exceptional relationships! Remember, our sessions are all about YOU!   Which means, we talk about the issues most important to you! The clients who benefit the most from our sessions together are those who are:

  • open to change and a new way of doing things,
  • are committed to results and success
  • interested in new possibilities
  • are willing to do the work and carry out their action plans
  • realize everything will stay the same unless they do something about it!



I wish I could give you a magical # of sessions, but it all depends on you and your unique situation! Because all clients, their needs and set of circumstances are different, the duration and number of sessions vary from client to client. There is no set number of required coaching sessions. I have different options available to fit everyone’s needs and budget.

We all want results FAST, that’s the world we live in!  However, achieving your desired results, usually takes time and effort… and this is something you determine!  How committed are you are to making the adjustments or changes that will help move you closer to the results you want?   Are you carrying out your action plan each week?  Results come faster when you do the work!  You are in control of the time and effort you put into the coaching process…because we go at your pace!

It would be nice if changes happened overnight!  I would love it!  But, most don’t, so, in order for the Purple Cheetah Life Coaching Process to be most effective and for you to have meaningful and lasting change take place in your life and relationships…changes that stick…we give the process a little time and a whole lot of effort.  So what kind of time we are looking at?

Most NEW clients begin coaching with a 4 session package, which allows them to try out coaching and see if its right for them.   This gives you and I the time and opportunity to identify your most important issues in need of attention; to become clear on exactly what it is you really want your life and relationships to look like from here on out; and to start strategically putting a plan together for getting you there! There is so much that can be accomplished in our first four sessions! If you decide you want to continue…its simple…you purchase more sessions! Occasionally, I will have a client who is looking for a quick jump start or an “aha moment” and wants only a single session or two, I offer those as well!  Others, I have been coaching for a 6-12 month duration.   On average I work with a client for 2-4 months  Its all up to you because… it is YOUR LIFE…and you make the decisions!  If you want a customized package to fit your needs, I am happy to talk about it with you!  For more on my unique and simple coaching packages Click HERE

Can a coach save my relationship? That’s the million dollar question!

If you are unhappy in a relationship, and don’t want to stay unhappy…something needs to change! If only one person in the relationship works with a coach and takes the initiative to make changes in the way the relationship is currently working, the relationship itself will change!

Here’s why!  Since you cannot control others and force other people to change, we make changes in ourselves and the way we “function” in the relationship!  If you are doing things differently in the relationship than you were before, its natural for the other person to react differently.  Imagine a mobile hanging over a baby’s crib. If you push one of the figures hanging down… and it moves around…it causes all the other figures to move around too! This is how it works in relationships as well.  If one person  makes changes and shifts around, everyone else starts shifting too!  So, this is the bottom line…if just one person in the relationship works with a coach and has the desire to make changes that will benefit the relationship, your chances of finding mutual fulfillment in that relationship may also  increase!

Relationship coaching can help you to bring relationship issues into the light; help you to see what you can control and what you cannot control in your relationship; help assist you in understanding family or relational dynamics; help ease pain and frustration as the result of the challenging relationship; and can help you put together a plan for  improving the relationship.  But, can a coach save a relationship?  Well, since YOU are the one who is putting the effort into the relationship, YOU are the one who is doing the work, YOU are the one who is making all the changes, YOU are the one who is carrying out your action plans….a coach cannot take any credit for saving a relationship…YOU CAN!


I want YOU to be happy…if you are not happy with the way a session is conducted and you do not feel I have done my job as a coach… PLEASE TELL ME…and I will make it right…your satisfaction is guaranteed!


It all begins with a 30 minute TOTALLY FREE, complimentary, no commitment, no obligation, no pressure Purple Cheetah Life  “Information Call.”   To schedule your call  click HERE   I can answer any questions you may have about coaching in general, Purple Cheetah Life,  the 4 R’s Process or anything else you may want to talk about during our call!  This is the first step and sometimes the hardest step to take, but, it is the first step to  living the life you always wanted to live!

What happens in the Free consultation call?

I love consultation calls because it’s like going out to coffee for the first time with a new acquaintance! There is so much to say and learn, 30 minutes go by way too quickly! But, I will have to say, it is amazing what we can accomplish in 30 minutes! This short amount of time gives us a chance to get to know a little bit about each other, for me to answer any questions you may have about coaching, Purple Cheetah Life and the 4R’s Process…and to see how Purple Cheetah Life could bring happiness back into your life! I love questions, so all questions are more than welcome! You get to check out my personality and coaching style and see if they are right for you… and if we would work well together…because working with someone you enjoy is key to your success! There is always something for both of us to gain from a free 30 minute phone call! You will be so empowered when you take this first step…I can’t wait to talk with you!

How much does coaching cost? Click HERE… for my  simple and unique coaching packages!