I found an awesome list on 10 lessons we can all use, when it comes how we approach our lives, written by Donna Gephart. I found each of these little lessons to be realistic, simple, easy to follow and most important, to have value and I wanted to share them with you!   I also wanted to share my insight, thoughts and perspective on each of the lessons, which you will see following Donna’s quote!

  1. “Your whole life will be a learning and growing experience.”
    Your whole life will be your greatest classroom, where there are no limits to what you can learn, gain, perfect, observe, be, do, want or imagine. Its all right in front of you waiting for you to learn from it and to take it with you!
  2. “Don’t let negativity get in your way”
    Give negativity a boot in your life, and the same goes for negative people! They serve no useful purpose, especially if they are tainting you outlook on life. Surround yourself with those who are positive, supportive, uplifting and encouraging, that’s who you really need in your life. Keep a positive attitude in all you do and in the way you approach life, even the challenges you encounter along the way! Do you take on a “glass half empty” or a “glass half FULL” approach to life?
  3. “Get involved”
    Getting involved means taking action, looking from the outside is not being involved, its being a bystander! Give it your all in everything you do, no half-hearted attempts!
  4. “Make time for play”
    Everyone like to play and have more fun in life…right? Make it a habit to find time in your busy schedule to play, have fun, smile, laugh, and to make even more happy memories you can look back on later! Seize the moment each and every day…life is meant to be happy!
  5. “Friends and family are the most important”
    The journey in life is so much better when it can be shared with other people! Friends and family are those who we tend to be the closest to and are there to encourage us when times get tough as well as relish in our victories during the good times! If you want a more rewarding and fulfilling life, then put your friends and family at the top of your “most valued” list!
  6. “Hard work pays off”
    It really does! Your work ethic can be a huge asset in helping you to get more out of life, especially in your relationships and careers! Effort, determination and motivation come with big rewards!
  7. “The only way to achieve your goals is to create them in the first place”
    If you want more out of life…or more from yourself, try setting some goals! Goal setting is what helps us get to where we want to be in life and it helps us to become the person we want to become! Start with smaller goals and work your way up to the bigger goals. Remember, goals must always be followed by action steps!
  8. “Lots of little efforts have a large payoff…nobody climbs a mountain in one great leap”
    This is called “baby steps!” Take one step at a time and before you know it, you are shouting out from the top of the mountain top “I did it!” This is how we reach the goals we have set for ourselves in life, by taking it one step at a time!
  9. “You can finish anything you start”
    That’s right you can finish anything you start because the hardest part is to actually “start” when it come to working your way towards something. Once you start, you can rely on your motivation, drive, energy, perseverance and endurance to see you to the end goal! But you can’t finish anything, you don’t START!
  10. “You will not be graded, tested or quizzed on these lessons”
    These are just simple reminders to carry with you as you venture out to make your life nothing short of “EXCEPTIONAL”…because you have everything you need, inside of you, to live the life you truly do LOVE!

Remember you can do anything in life you really want to, the only limitations are the limitations you put on yourself! You can accomplish things you never thought possible! Isn’t that exciting!

Having the right attitude towards life if BIG! So is, looking at life as one big learning opportunity, surrounding yourself with positive people, putting friends and family first, setting goals and putting forth maximum effort! All these will help you to reach the desires of your heart!

This is your life, you get to choose what you want to do with it…make it the most AWESOME LIFE you ever thought possible! You Can Do IT!


About the Author Lorrie Millet

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