Are you looking for more HAPPINESS and JOY in YOUR LIFE?

Do any of these describe the way YOU FEEL about your life?

  • Unhappy with the way your life is turning out?
  • Feeling empty, constantly searching for something…but can’t seem to find it?
  • Can’t find meaning, purpose or value in life?
  • Overwhelmed and out of balance?
  • Low self-esteem and confidence?
  • Want to make changes but not sure how to go about it?
  • Frustrated because life has placed too many demands on you?
  • Tired of constantly swimming upstream and getting nowhere?
  • Living a life someone else wants you to live?
  • Stuck in stagnation and discontent, not challenged, or growing?
  • Life is too boring, too routine, or too dull?
  • Feel like you are in a dark place and can’t get out?
  • Fear of change
  • Fear of failure
  • Lack of motivation
  • Your dreams and goals seem too far out of reach?
  • In need of a life tune up or a complete makeover?

IMAGINE THIS…What it would be like to actually live the life you wanted to live or be the person you have always wanted to be! IT CAN HAPPEN…STARTING TODAY! Your life can be filled with boundless joy and happiness, those dreams and goals can become a reality, your life can be everything you want it to be…the choice is yours!



Together we can do some amazing things, such as…

  • Discover what is important to you and makes you happy
  • Break through your fears and limitations
  • Move past hurts and disappointments
  • Eliminate negative self-talk & limiting beliefs
  • Work as a team to help YOU, your relationships and life be the best they can be
  • Help you to think outside the box, stretch and bend you, challenge you, and help you to grow into the person you have always wanted to be!
  • Discover things you never knew about yourself and how you can become your own best friend!
  • Show you how to live your life with passion, purpose, and intention!
  • Design a plan for making the changes you want to make in your life
  • Set goals in life and make them happen!
  • Acquire the tools and strategies that will transform your life and relationships


One thing, we know for sure…Life is constantly changing! But the question is, “Are you CHANGING with it?   Change is never easy and can actually be quite challenging!

If it was easy, everyone would make changes on a daily basis. Most people talk about making changes but very few actually do anything about it because:

  • they may be unclear on what changes need to be made, OR
  • they may not know “HOW” to go about making the changes!

Change isn’t easy but the REWARDS are AMAZING!!

I want you to have the strategies and tools to make the changes in your life a reality! We can do this together…you just have to make a choice…and


  1. You can do nothing and stay where you are in life…and just accept the fact, NOTHING will change. Your level of happiness and fulfillment will also stay the same or possibly decline. OR
  2. You can decide today to do something about your life! Just say “ I want more out of my life, I want more out of myself, I deserve much more than this and I am ready to make some much needed changes…today!” By taking action and making the necessary are taking the first step to living a life filled with happiness, joy and contentment!

Life will always throw us challenges in the form of lemons…we all have them, some more than others! What are your lemons?

What I have learned is this…Unless we have a really great recipe for lemonade, the sweetness of life can elude us, leaving us with a sour taste! Life is meant to be good, rewarding, wonderful and fulfilling. But, it doesn’t always happen that way…stuff happens, life happens and things change. Change is inevitable and changing with it doesn’t come naturally…it can be quite challenging…we have to work at it…and many times we have to work really hard to find life’s sweetness.

The key is how you answer this question…“Do you have the right tools, attitudes, strategies, and coping mechanisms to overcome the lemons in your life? Do you know how to make great lemonade?” If not, I would love to talk with you…I have one of the best lemonade recipes around! That’s why I created the Purple Cheetah Life 4R’s Process!

My passion is HELPING YOU TO LIVE THE BEST LIFE YOU CAN LIVE…AND BE THE BEST PERSON YOU CAN BE!  My  awesome and unique approach helps you call the shots and live the life you have always wanted to live…it’s called The Purple Cheetah 4R’s Process, a proven process that has been helping women find joy and fulfillment in their lives for many years! To learn more about each of the steps in the process, simply, click on the step you want to learn more about…

  1. RESCUE…We begin by rescuing you from what is causing you to be discontent, unhappy or dis-satisfied in life and give you exactly what you need right now, at this very time, in order to become healthy and whole again. Then, together, we uncover the most important issues in need of our immediate attention and address them right away. The heaviness becomes lighter during this first step because it is replaced with hope…hope you will find happiness and fulfillment in life…just what you have been looking for!
  2. REPAIR…During the “REPAIR” step, you discover and reconnect with the “desires of your heart;” those wants, needs, dreams and goals that have been hiding deep inside… for so long! You give yourself permission to “want” and to “have” because you have finally determined what it is you truly want in life! You are filled with empowerment, excitement and freedom in knowing you can have the life you always wanted, because you have choices and options!
  3. RESTORE Based on your overall vision, we work together to create specific strategies, design tools and put together an overall plan to help you achieve your goals and dreams.! This step is about “Planning” and “taking action” towards making your goals and dreams become a reality!
  4. RENEW…During this stage we start to see the fruits of your labor! We make adjustments where needed and strategize for any potential road blocks.  Because you have been working hard each week, implementing your action plans , you are starting to see the results and you are so excited!   AND…I am right by your side, during every step, offering you my unconditional support when you need it and celebrating every victory and accomplishment along the way! It is so rewarding each time I hear the  joy in my clients voices as their goals and dreams start becoming a reality!

Throughout the entire 4R’s Process we are a team, a collaborative partnership with one common goal in mind…to help you get what you want out of life!

The Purple Cheetah Life 4R’s Process will equip and inspire you to maximize your full potential, so you can make those dreams a reality…starting today!  Commit to HAPPINESS…it’s a great way to LIVE!

Please don’t waste another minute of your precious life being “stuck” in a place you don’t want to be…LIFE IS TOO SHORT!

You have everything you need inside of you, to live the life you really want to live, and to love it!  Let me help you find it…the process and tools are within your reach! The life you love is just around the corner waiting to embrace you…don’t wait any longer!

If you are looking to put happiness, joy and contentment, back into your life… you are in the right place! I would love to talk to you! We can see how the Purple Cheetah Life 4R’s Process can help you to find the joy and happiness you have been searching for! Click HERE to schedule a totally FREE, 30 minute complimentary, no obligation, no commitment “Cheetah Life Info Call.”

And the best part…I don’t pressure or try to sell you something during our call… because it would make you feel uncomfortable… and that would not be a good “customer experience”…which is what Purple Cheetah Life is all about…giving you the best experience possible!

I can answer any questions you may have about coaching or the Purple Cheetah Life 4R’s process and anything else you want to talk about! Let’s see how we can bring happiness back into your life just as it has for hundreds of women wanting to find fulfillment, success, joy and contentment in their lives!

NOW is the time to take charge of your life! NOW is the time to take action and do something about it! NOW is the time for YOU because YOU deserve to be happy and filled with boundless joy and happiness!