Where you may be RIGHT NOW…

Do any of these describe the situation you are in…

  • Are you right in the middle of a painful breakup?
  • Are you “stuck” and can’t seem to work through the hurt of a recent breakup?
  • Are you dealing with a traumatic loss in your life and having a tough time sorting through the sea of emotions you feel every day?
  • Are you living with regrets from an earlier breakup and can’t seem to move past it?
  • Has your breakup or loss left you feeling depressed, sad, lonely or hopeless?
  • Are you angry, bitter or resentful and can’t seem to work though it?
  • Are you feeling like you could never love again…or be loved again?

If any of these sound like where you are right now, don’t despair…YOU can overcome the pain and hurt from any of these with the right strategies and tools! There is hope for you…LOTS OF HOPE!


  • The infamous “breakup” we are all familiar with
  • A separation or divorce
  • Severing ties with a family member
  • The ending of a friendship
  • The loss of a job or dream
  • The recent or long ago death of a loved one
  • Something was taken from you or did not happen

YOU don’t have to stay “stuck” in this place of hurt and pain…YOU have the ability to get out of this spiraling pit and start living again…you really do!

YOU can move on and in a way that will help you enjoy life more than you ever thought possible!

Together we can bring you out of this place of ”pain and misery” and help you live a life filled with the happiness and joy you want and deserve… that’s why I designed the Purple Cheetah Life 4-R’s Process…to pull you out of the pit and help you start living the life you always wanted to live!


  1. Why is it so hard for people to accept a breakup or a loss and find a way to move forward? While “accepting” and “moving on” seem relatively simple in theory…it’s not! We all try our best with the best ways we know how, but still, we find ourselves swimming in a sea of emotions, just trying to keep our head above water. Our emotions bounce all over the place from anger to sadness to depression and anything in between. We think and we process and we replay the tapes of what happened over and over in our head. We try and figure out what went wrong and how we could ever move on in life, even if “they” have moved on without us. No matter what we do, we can’t seem to break the vicious cycle! I want to help you break out of this “life sucking” cycle… and bring inner peace, joy and contentment back into your life!   See my post on “breakup Tips” for more detail on this.
  1. Why do breakups and loss hurt so much? Not only are we coping with the person or thing we have lost, we are also grieving the secondary losses that come with it… such as lost hopes, dreams, companionship, friendship and any future plans we may have made with this person before the breakup or loss happened. It can affect every area of our life, robbing us of the joy we once had and we want JOY and HAPPINESS back in our lives! You can find joy again and go on living your life to the fullest, you can be happy again…


To get from where you are today in your breakup or loss… to where you want to be in your life and relationships… something has to change. Everyone “says” they are going make changes, but very few ever do anything to make the changes. I find most people don’t make changes because…

  • they don’t know WHAT changes to make OR
  • they don’t have a plan on HOW to make the changes

I want you to have the strategies and tools to make these changes a reality! I want you to be happy! We can do this together…you just have to make a choice…and


  1. YOU can do nothing and stay in the pain and hurt of a break up or loss…and just realize nothing will change, this is called “Being Stuck.” Nobody wants to live a life “stuck” in misery! And we certainly do not want to carry our pain into future relationships because it would not be the healthy thing to do in a new relationship. OR…
  2. YOU can decide to do something about this pain today. You can say, “I’m done with this, I need to cope with my pain and work through it, so I can start enjoying my life again.” You can take action and make the necessary adjustments…dramatically increasing your hope and happiness  in life.  Happiness isn’t that far away…and you certainly deserve to be happy again!

My passion is to HELP BRING HAPPINESS BACK INTO YOUR LIFE and the unique PURPLE CHEETAH 4-R’s PROCESS not only helps you work through “Breakup and Loss Recovery” but gives you the tools and road maps needed to move forward so joy, and happiness will be a big part of your life!

To learn more about each step in the process or to see exactly WHY it is so important and HOW it is used, simply click on the individual STEP below, you want to know more about. Here is a brief description of each of the four steps in The Purple Cheetah 4R’s Process…

  1. RESCUE…this is where it all begins! We start by rescuing YOU from the pain and hurt the breakup or loss is causing you. We give you exactly what you are in need of at this very time, so you will have relief from your pain. We will work together to make sure you become healthy and confident again. We walk this road, side by side, giving you hope and reassurance as we uncover and identify the areas and issues in need of our immediate attention! You will feel the exhaustion starting to lift as it makes room for hope that you will be happy again!
  2. REPAIR…This is such an exciting step for you, because you realize your life is about to change…and you are the one who gets to decide HOW it will change! New hopes and dreams start to emerge. Together we create the vision for what YOU really want your life and relationships to look like from here on out! And the best part…there are NO limits!!!
  3. RESTORE Together, we formulate an overall “Breakup-Loss/Recovery Plan” with unique strategies and tools to help you get to where you want to be in your life and in your relationships. Based on your goals and your “heart’s desires,” this plan will have “action steps” to help you get “Unstuck” and propelling towards happiness again!
  4. RENEW…this is the favorite step for most my clients because you are starting to see the results from your hard work. You are being “renewed” into the person you have always wanted to be, filled with hope and happiness! All throughout this step and the entire process, I walk by your side, giving you my unconditional support…together we overcome setbacks and any bumps and roadblocks you encounter along the way. We celebrate all of your accomplishments and victories …while you watch the process starting to work for you!   You feel yourself being transformed into a strong, confident, loving, fully alive person, because you took the steps to make it happen!

Please don’t waste another minute of your precious life being “stuck” in a place you don’t want to is way too short! You have everything you need inside of you to recovery from your breakup or loss, let me help you find it…the process and tools are within your reach! The life you love is just around the corner waiting to embrace you…don’t wait any longer!

If you are looking to put happiness, joy and contentment back into your life…I would love to talk to you! We can see how the Purple Cheetah Life 4R’s Process can help change your life! Breakups and big losses are really hard…and I want you to find happiness and joy because you certainly do deserve it! Click HERE to schedule a totally FREE, 30 minute, complimentary, no obligation, no commitment “Cheetah Life Info Call.”

And the best part…I don’t pressure or hard sell during our call…that would not be a good customer experience…which is what Purple Cheetah Life is all about…giving you the best experience possible!

I can answer any questions you may have about coaching, Purple Cheetah Life, the 4R’s Process or anything else you want to talk about! Let’s see how we can bring happiness back into your life as it has for hundreds of women wanting to find fulfillment in their lives!

NOW is the time to take charge of your life! NOW is the time to take action and do something about it! NOW is the time for YOU because YOU deserve to be happy and fulfilled!