Where you may be  RIGHT NOW…

Do any of these describe how you feel because of your current relationship(s)?

  • Pain, misery, sadness, or depression?
  • Losing sleep at night, worrying, or afraid?
  • Losing your self-confidence or experiencing lower self-esteem?
  • Feeling insignificant, neglected, or disrespected?
  • Withdrawing just to keep peace or fear of having a voice or opinion?
  • Feeling hopeless, unworthy, unloved, or even abused?
  • Loss of trust, fearful, or having thoughts of regret?
  • Feeling like you made a mistake or multiple mistakes?
  • Developing unhealthy eating habits?
  • Questioning your ability as a significant other, partner, spouse,  parent, friend or employee?

If any of these sound like where you are today… PLEASE know this…YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  In fact, the majority of the people I get to work with have these same feelings and issues when it comes to their relationships. They are tired of all the pain and stress that comes from trying to keep a struggling or damaged relationship together…it’s really hard, overwhelming and downright exhausting!

But today, these same people, not only have hope, they have confidence in knowing they are doing something about their relationship and have a tailor made plan, just for them, with action steps in place to help them get to where they want to be in their relationships…and to stay there!   Are you thinking of walking away from a relationship…but, deep down iinside you don’t really want to?


These are some of the top relationship issues causing pain in my client’s lives…can you identify with one or more? 

  • Affairs
  • Neglect and Unmet Needs
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Trust and Honesty Issues
  • Infidelity, Porn, and Sexual Addictions
  • Ridiculing, Belittling, Sarcastic Criticism
  • Control and Codependency
  • Communication Issues
  • Breakups, Divorce, and Loss Recovery
  • Teen and Parenting Challenges
  • Shame and Guilt
  • Unrealistic and Unmet Expectations
  • Marital Stress
  • Low Self-esteem and Self-worth Issues
  • Addictions, Living with an Addict
  • Forgiveness, Unforgiveness
  • Conflict Resolution, Fair Fighting
  • Enabling and Boundary Issues
  • In-law Challenges
  • Blended Family Challenges

When we are struggling in a relationship, no matter who it’s with, i.e. spouse, significant other, teen, in law, family, friends, co-workers…it affects every area of our life and other relationships we have!!  Mistakes are made, people are neglected, bad habits are formed, our boundaries vanish, we lose our focus, and we get too darn busy.  Life happens… then one day we realize our relationship is rapidly falling apart!  The happiness is gone…and WE WANT IT BACK!  OR maybe you are still looking for happiness and peace in a relationship that has struggled from the very beginning?

No two relationship struggles are alike, because you are unique, one of a kind, and so are your circumstances. This is why you want a customized plan that uses a proven process tested for years with incredible results!  This is exactly what the Purple Cheetah Life 4-R’s Process is designed to accomplish for you and your relationships.  Just remember there is hope…and lots of it!  YOU can make the changes when YOU decide it’s time to change YOUR life!  I have the plan and the process…its waiting for you!

Below is a brief description on “HOW” the Purple Cheetah Life 4-R’s Process works. It shows you how I help people in similar situations to yours,  find happiness in their relationships once again!  If this sounds like a process you would like to know more about please click here xxxx to sign up for a totally free, complimentary, no obligation, no pressure 30 minute Cheetah Chat!

Here’s HOW it works…

If you’re unhappy in your relationship, and don’t want it to stay that way, something needs to be adjusted, changed, even overhauled!

Since we can’t control other people and force them to change, we make changes in ourselves and the way we function in the relationship.

Everyone talks about making changes, but very few ever do anything about it. It’s not that you don’t want to, most people just don’t know “what to do” or “where to start.

You may also be unclear on what changes need to be made, or, how to make these changes, to get the results you want!

It’s hard to make changes that last, and it can become a daunting task without a plan and the necessary tools.

Most don’t know what to do if they come up against “roadblocks,” “resistance” or “push backs” which often happens when trying to make changes of any kind in a relationship!

I have the process to help you work through these challenges!



You do have a CHOICE…

  1. YOU can do nothing and stay where you are in the relationship…and just accept that nothing will change.  Your level of happiness and fulfillment will probably stay the same or possibly decline.  OR
  2. YOU can decide today to do something about the relationshipNOW!  Just say “I am done with the way this relationship is currently working and am ready to make the much needed changes…NOW!”  By taking action and making these necessary adjustments…you will dramatically increase you’re hope and happiness!  Happiness isn’t that far away…

If your relationships are healthy, fulfilling, strong and thriving, so is your life! There is a unique PROCESS I created called THE PURPLE CHEETAH LIFE 4-R’s PROCESS. This process not only helps you identify your most important relationship issues but gives you the tools, strategies and road map to help you move forward in a way that changes your life…forever!

For years this process has been helping people, similar to you, find joy and contentment in their relationships and in their lives! To learn more about each step in the process and to see exactly WHY it is so important and HOW it is used, simply click on the STEP you want to know more about. Here is a brief description of each of the four steps in The Purple Cheetah Life 4-R’s Process…

  1. RESCUE…this is where it all starts… by rescuing YOU and giving you what you need, right now, at this time! We work together to make sure you are healthy, strong and confident…so you will be ready for the life changing road ahead of you! Together, we start uncovering the issues most important to you and give them IMMEDIATE attention! As you start to feel the exhaustion and turmoil within lift during this first step, there is now room for HOPE that you will be happy again! (click here xxx for a ore in depth look at “RESCUE”
  2. REPAIR…During the Repair Step YOU SMILE & SHINE! Why? Because you are being reconnected with all your hearts desires, your needs, your wants and the dreams you have for your relationships!  Together we create a clear picture or vision, for what you want your relationship to look like based on those hearts desires! Such an exciting uplifting step….it is during this step you realize you have possibilities, and many options and choices…and there are no limits on these choice you have! Your focus shifts from what you don’t have…to what you want to have! It’s exciting and powerful! (click here xxx for an in depth look at “REPAIR”)
  3. RESTORE During this step we set goals, and put together an overall plan to help you get to where you want to be in your relationships. Together, we strategize and equip you with the tools you need to make it happen! This step is where true “break-through” starts to happen because you are changing the way you approach your relationships and your life.
  4. RENEW… Because of your hard work, you are beginning to see transformation take place in yourself and in your relationships. You are starting to feel renewed and that happiness will be a part of your life again! I love watching my clients transform throughout this step as they become stronger, more confident, fulfilled and content in their relationships. During this step you begin seeing RESULTS from your efforts! It’s so empowering when you start making things happen and experience the joy you have been missing…because YOU made the choice to!


NOW is the time to take charge of your life and your relationships…it’s time to do something about it! Take action and move forward so you will have relationships that are rewarding and exciting….not those that are boring, dull, combative and passionless!

NOW is the time for YOU…because YOU deserve to be happy and filled with boundless joy and happiness, today and every day!

I want you to be happy when it comes to your relationships…don’t wait another day, make a choice to be happy!

If you are ready and want to learn more about the Purple Cheetah Life and the 4R’s Process, to see how it make a big difference iin your life…click HERE to schedule a free 30 minute “no obligation, no commitment, no pressure” “Cheetah Life Info Call.” Then, pour a cup of coffee, find a place you are comfortable, and let’s see how, together, we can bring joy and contentment back into your relationships!

And the best part…I don’t pressure or try to sell you something during our call…it makes you uncomfortable and that would not be a good customer experience…which is what Purple Cheetah Life is all about…giving you the best experience possible!

I can answer any questions you may have about coaching, Purple Cheetah Life, the 4R’s process or anything else you want to talk about! Let’s see how we can bring happiness back into your life as it has for hundreds of women wanting to find happiness and fulfillment in their relationships!

Happiness is waiting for you and it’s just around the corner…Don’t just dream about the relationships you could have! Our relationships are such an important part of our life and one of the most important things we can invest our time and effort in! Let’s get you started on the path to having the most awesome relationships ever… so you can live the happy life you always wanted to live!!