“REPAIR” is a very powerful and exciting step in this 4-step process! Why? Because, you are reconnecting with the dreams, goals and desires you have for what you want your relationships and life to look like going forward!

WE GO FOR THE GOLD in this step and find those hidden treasures you have inside of you! You begin to SHINE knowing, your life and relationships don’t have to stay the way they are! You have options!

Once you have made it through the “RESCUE” step (we have an optimal plan for your well being put in place AND we have uncovered and identified the most important issues you are currently facing)… YOU are now ready to ignite your “inner creative thought process!”

I love this step because my clients and I connect on a very deep, productive level…because, we have one common mission between us; to help make YOU, YOUR life and YOUR relationships the best they can be!!!!

You may know what you don’t want…we discovered that in the rescue process…. But, do you know what you DO want when it comes to your life and your relationships?

During the “REPAIR” step, we begin to dig deep, right through the surface layer, into the exciting deep personal desires of your heart! This is the place, where your dreams and goals live and we work hard to unleash them and let them come out of hiding so they can become a reality…and the best part…there are NO limitations…the only limitations are the ones you place on yourself!

You will discover your most treasured values when it comes to your life and relationships, those values which are your driving force! You will also discover your strengths and talents…and how they are just waiting to be untapped!


What happens during the “Repair” step?

  • A shift in your focus starts to take place during this step, because, you are focusing on “what you DO want” instead of what you don’t want, both, in your life and in your relationships.
  • Your personal values and needs are being discovered and revealed…and you begin to feel forward movement within yourself…knowing there are other options available to you right away!
  • There is a great deal of personal satisfaction and excitement because you are really getting to know who you are (maybe for the first time) and what you really want in life and in your relationships!
  • You realize how much potential and courage you have within, to face the situation and make the necessary changes when it comes to the challenges in your relationships and life! It’s very empowering!
  • You give yourself permission to “want” to “dream” and to “have” knowing, it can be yours, if you choose!
  • We soar to new heights of self-awareness as your creativity is unleashed through fresh perspectives and powerful thought provoking questioning!
  • During this step I will help to stretch and bend you and get you to think outside the box you are accustomed to. You will discover hidden possibilities…possibilities, you may have never thought were an option to you before! And now they can be yours!

Through the Purple Cheetah Life 4R’s “discovery and exploration” process your “desires” in life are created, giving us a vision to work towards! It is during this step, your heartfelt desires become very clear as you gain insight and clarity on what you really want in life and what you really want in your relationships!

It is though the “repair process” you begin to realize your state of unhappiness and dissatisfaction has NO room in your life. We were not put here on Earth to live in a place of fear, worry and discontent!

Inner peace, contentment, freedom and joy, is our natural resting place when we eliminate all the clutter and junk from our lives and relationships (which is part of our process too).

My clients absolutely love this step because, they become fully aware of “what it is they really want” in life and “what they want” in their relationships! They are creating a final destination on the road map based on their desires and option!

It is now, you realize there is hope for your struggling relationship, hope you will recover from your heart wrenching breakup, hope you can become the person you have always wanted to be and hope for living the life you have always wanted to live! Opportunities, possibilities, solutions and change are just around the corner waiting for you to embrace it! You can have it all…if you want it!  I want you to have your hearts desires!

If you want more out of life and your relationships…I would love to talk with you! We can see how the Purple Cheetah Life 4R’s Process can help you to find happiness and joy in your life! Click HERE to schedule a totally FREE, 30 minute, complimentary, no obligation, no commitment “Purple Cheetah Life Info Call.”

And the best part…I don’t pressure or try to hard sell you something during our call together…it would make you feel uncomfortable…and that would not be a  good customer experience…which is what Purple Cheetah Life is all about…giving you the best experience possible!

I can answer any questions you may have about coaching, Purple Cheetah Life, the 4R’s Process or anything else you want to talk about! Let’s see how we can bring happiness back into your life! You were meant to live a life of peace, joy and contentment!

NOW is the time to get started… you do have a choice…it is your life and your relationships…make them the best they can be…because YOU are FABULOUS and are so worth it!