Are you struggling in a relationship with someone?

Are you trying to get through a recent breakup or loss?

Do you want more out of your life or more out of yourself?


Why is rescue so important?

Whether you are “In a relationship,” “out of a relationship,” or struggling WITH ANY KIND of relationship or life issue; whether you are going through heartache, find yourself unhappy, stressed out or going through any other emotional turmoil in your life…the only way to move forward, is to make a CHANGE…to do things differently!

If you are looking to make a change…YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE…and it begins with a Rescue!


  • tired of trying to make the relationship work
  • tired of sticking it out
  • tired of feeling the hurt and pain
  • tired of not having what you really want in life
  • tired of being so tired

…and now… you have made a conscious decision…to do something about it…and I applaud you for choosing the path to finding happiness and a better life!


We start by “RESCUING” YOU… from whatever you are going through in your life, causing you to be unhappy, discontent or in pain. You may be feeling overwhelmed by your circumstances, exhausted, hopeless, depressed, frustrated, fearful, deprived, lonely or even heartbroken. Let’s face it, you have been through a lot and it’s wearing you down. Because of the never ending stress, you may have even started to develop some health issues or unwanted habits and coping mechanisms, just so you can get through the day! We all do this…you are not alone!

During a rescue, we don’t actually remove you from your situation…physically, (although I am sure some of you would like that) but, the two of us work together to make sure you become healthy and whole again in the areas you feel need the most attention, whether it be mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually! We eliminate that “beat down” feeling you have become accustomed to, because it’s not doing you any good, is it? Basically, we put the pieces back together again so you begin to feel stronger, healthier and more confident!  Then we put a plan together keep you that way!

We start by RECONNECTING you with the core of “who you really are” and for some, it’s finding out” who you are” for the very first time!

We begin to de-clutter and remove false or limiting beliefs you have about yourself, your relationships and your life…those beliefs telling us “I’m not good enough” “I can’t do this” or “I deserve what I have, nothing better.” We reprogram this way of thinking and talking to yourself. How? By getting rid of the weeds in your life and transforming those beliefs into something positive, useful and beneficial to you!   All throughout the process we continue to work on your optimal well-being, relinquishing the past to the past as we concentrate and focus on the present and future of your life and your relationships!

Why do you need to be healthy, and whole again? Because, if you are going to try and make any shifts or changes in your relationships or in your life, there is something very important you should know!  When you try to make changes of any kind, whether it be in yourself, within your life or in your relationships, it can be challenging…because, we often run into “resistance,” “obstacles,” “roadblocks” and “push-backs” along the way from others, as well as ourselves. Why? Because it’s a natural human tendency… to resist change!

If you are healthy, strong and have an overall sense of well-being, you feel good about yourself and are more likely to rise to these challenges and work through them… instead of retreating back to the old comfortable way of doing things, those ways that did not work for you in the past. Throughout the Rescue step we work to make sure you are:

  • balanced,
  • have healthy self-esteem and positive self-talk
  • feel refreshed, revitalized, hopeful
  • have the courage and confidence needed to make changes
  • have strength, energy and endurance
  • have a clear picture and understanding of your importance in life

…and you can have all these, if you make a decision to rescue yourself from your pain!

This first step brings so much hope you way!

During our rescue step, we also uncover the symptoms contributing to your current state of unhappiness, discomfort and pain. Though discovery and the bright light of “Awareness” we identify the most important issues to you, those issues in need of our immediate attention…so we can start working on them right away!

While some of my clients come aware of their challenges, many start without even knowing why they feel like they do or what issues they are really facing…and that’s totally OK!

Sometimes people come thinking it is one issue and through the discovery process, we become aware of a more important issue needing our immediate attention. For example…

  • You may come thinking there are communication issues in your romantic relationship, but, the real issue uncovered, may be emotional abuse, neglect or dishonesty and trust issues you were not fully aware of.
  • You come thinking you are depressed but we discover together, a loved one’s unresolved anger and manipulation has chipped away at your self-esteem, leaving you in a state of despair…thinking you can do nothing right.

OR perhaps you know the issue but don’t know what to do about it…

  • You and your teenage daughter can’t stand to be in the same room together and you can’t understand why.
  • You feel stuck in anger or sadness after a breakup or loss and are having a hard time getting your life back on track.
  • You are not happy with the way your life currently is, but don’t know what changes to make!

Knowing exactly where you are now and what issues are in need of attention allows you to determine where you want to be and what changes need to be made… which comes in the next step of the process…REPAIR!

My clients always receive a great deal of peace and relief when they are feeling stronger and healthier and the actual challenge or issue at hand is clearly identified and put on the table! They know hope and resolution is awaiting them!

By taking this first step…you are making a conscious decision that says…”I” really do matter and I can do something about my life…right now!

If you are in need of a “RESCUE” I would love to talk with you! We can see how the Purple Cheetah Life 4R’s Process can help you find joy and fulfillment in life again! Click HERE to schedule a totally FREE, 30 minute, complimentary, no obligation, no commitment “Purple Cheetah Life Info Call”

And the best part…I don’t pressure or try to hard sell you anything, during our call together…you would feel uncomfortable… and that would not be a good customer experience…which is what Purple Cheetah Life is all about…giving you the best experience possible! I want our call to be helpful and beneficial to you!

I can answer any questions you may have about coaching, Purple Cheetah Life, the 4R’s Process or anything else you want to talk about! Let’s see how we can bring happiness back into your life! Because you deserve to be HAPPY!

NOW is the time to get started… you do have a choice… it begins by RESCUING YOU…because YOU are so worth it!