What is the “RESTORE” step all about?                      


During the “Restore” step, YOU and I work as a team to come up with an effective PLAN which will help get you to where you want to be in your life and in your relationships! This plan will have both long and short term – tangible, attainable GOALS…Goals that are yours not your spouse’s, kid’s or mother-in-laws; goals you can meet, goals which are both BIG and small, goals that align with the desires and dreams your have for your life and your relationships!

With the vision and goals you have for your life and relationships in place, we will work together to come up with specific strategies and design and equip you with the necessary skills and tools needed to help get you “unstuck” and propelling forward…directly towards your goals and desires.

ACCOMPLISHMENT and ACHIEVEMENT are key to the Purple Cheetah Life 4R’s “goal setting process.” I want YOU to reach your goals and make your dreams a reality…because that’s exactly what you want…right?

Each strategy is tailored to your specific situation (no cookie cutter strategies) as well as your unique set of circumstances…and each strategy is based on helping you to get what you want… And we start doing this as soon as you know what you want!

Each week we will design an action plan for you to carry out…yes, there is work to do, very rewarding work! Which means each week you will be closer to finding the happiness you have been looking for in life and in your relationships!

Plan + Action = RESULTS

ENCOUNTERING ROADBLOCKS   With your goals set, the plan created and strategies in place, we will discover and talk about some of the major hurdles, obstacles or roadblocks you may encounter while trying to achieving your goals and destination!

POTENTIAL ROADBLOCKS…here are a few examples…

  • You may have a “significant other” or spouse who is controlling and not open to changes of any kind and they decide to make life even harder for you.
  • A rebellious teen who refuses to give back any of your “parental” rites
  • someone who will not take “No” for an answer
  • a spouse who refuses to stop his destructive and damaging behaviors.

Maybe your roadblocks come in the form of resisting your own positive changes

  • Perhaps you have developed an inability to be open to a new way of dealing with someone.
  • Maybe it is a lack of motivation or self confidence that keeps you from getting what you want, even though you are desperate to move forward in your life
  • Maybe you have been so beat down by your situation, you are unable to see the “good gifts in your life” and are having a tough time with the depression you find knocking at your door every single day.
  • Or, you don’t think you can live without the guy who decided to end things abruptly, and sabotaging your own happiness seems easier…

These are all self-driven roadblocks we put up and I want to help you eliminate them!!!! And you CAN!!!

I want you to know its OK to have these feelings and challenges, we are all human!

We will try and forecast these roadblocks …then together we will work through them (some can be unexpected and unpredictable) And we will have a plan and strategy in place so you will know what to do should these roadblocks pop up…and they most often do! These roadblocks are much easier to push and work through when you know what to do!

It is through this step you are empowered to make changes and adjustments in your relationships and life because you have a plan and the strategies and the tools to help get you there!

This gives you permission to replace what did not work for you in the past with a new way of doing things!

There is hope right in front of you! As you learn to embrace your challenges, you will discover they are new opportunities for growth! From your self-awareness and creativity will emerge new heartfelt dreams and clarity about your purpose in life and in your relationships! Your new skills and tools give new meaning to your life because you now have a plan and know how to get what you want now!

You have everything you need inside of you to live the life you want to live! This step gives you the plan and actions needed to make this new life a reality!

If you want to make those dreams become a reality in your life and in your relationships,” I would love to talk with you! We can see how the Purple Cheetah Life 4R’s Process can help you to start living the life you want to live!  Don’t just dream about having the life and relationships you really want…do something about it…make it happen!  Click HERE to schedule a totally FREE, 30 minute, complimentary, no obligation, no commitment “Purple Cheetah Life Info Call.”

And the best part…I don’t pressure or try to hard sell you something during our call together, it would make you feel uncomfortable…and that would not be a good customer experience…which is what Purple Cheetah Life is all about…giving you the best experience possible!  I want you to benefit from our time spent together!

During our call, I can answer any questions you may have about coaching, the Purple Cheetah Life Approach, the 4R’s Process or anything else you want to talk about! Let’s see how we can bring happiness back into your life!

NOW is the time to get started… you do have a choice… live the life you have always wanted to live…because…YOU are so worth it!!!