I FOUND IT!!!!! You can STOP looking! Yes, stop looking…I’ve got the magic formula we all have been searching for when it comes to having a happy, successful, romantic relationship with someone we love!

There is so much information inundating us from every angle and it’s too overwhelming… and it gets so complicated and confusing; everyone is out claiming their special magic or unique formula works best! Well look no further, and I know you will agree…this formula is amazing! I love it because its so simple and we all can do it! It boils down to two points, friendship and needs, two key ingredients in a healthy relationship!

In came in the simple article one day, “Dr. Phil’s Affair-Proof Your Marriage,” over morning java! And here is what it said: http://drphil.com/articles/article/335


  1. Your relationship must be based on a solid, underlying friendship. Friends talk, laugh, share, and do things they’re interested in together. Don’t stop being friends just because you’re each other’s spouse.”
  2. Your relationship has to meet the needs of the two people involved. Understand what your partner’s needs are so you can meet them. Figure out what your own needs are and communicate them. If your needs are not being met, communicate and negotiate. Don’t let resentment build.

That is all there is to it! It’s such a simple success formula! And the best part…YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

If we focus on our friendship and the reason we got together and fell in love in the first place, we continue to have fun in our relationship while continuing to enjoy each other’s company! We thrive and keep the love alive…because we are having fun! It’s much easier to deal with the challenges in the relationship when you are staying connected by having some fun together!

Then, if we determine what our needs are and actually communicate them to our spouse or partner, the guess work is taken right out of it! How many years do we spend trying to figure out our partners needs on our own! Do the work for them and make things less complicated! Just tell your partner or spouse what your needs are and they can do the same for you!   Adjust them as time goes by and you will save yourself the resentment and bitterness buildup which often happens when needs are not being met.

So try this simple relationship success formula out… then tell me what you think!!!! Do you have a “Simple Success Formula” of your own?

About the Author Lorrie Millet

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