The Purple Cheetah Life 4-R’s Process is a unique process that helps you get to where you want to be, both in your life and your relationships…

  • Because you deserve to have exceptional, loving relationships
  • And you deserve to live an extraordinarily fulfilled life

We, as contemporary women, are very busy! We have careers, kids, parenting obligations, carpools & homework, homes that come with responsibilities, spouses, boyfriends, commitments, our aging parents, friendships, philanthropy, our romantic lives, overwhelming schedules and the list goes on and on! We don’t have time for “complicated” coaching programs!

That’s why I have designed the Purple cheetah Life 4 R’s Process…for the busy women we are…its simple, easy to follow and very effective! This straightforward, customized process allows you to transform your life…from a state of unwelcome chaos, heartache, guilt, regret, barriers, pain, fears, unwanted habits, despair and frustration…to a life filled with happiness, joy, contentment, love and fulfillment! It helps you to get back on track with those you care about the most in life…including yourself! And… it gets to your issues FAST…so we can do something about them… immediately!

Yes…I am giving away my process…I want you to have it…it’s not a secret…I want you to be on the path to living the life you have only dreamed about living… up until now!  My unique process is broken down into four steps… (click on any of the boxes below to get a more detailed description of WHY it is important, HOW it works and WHAT the benefits are)

  1. RESCUE…The goal of the “Rescue” step is, to rescue YOU from your current situation, those circumstances contributing to your unhappiness.  We work on helping YOU to become healthier, stronger, balanced and more confident. During this time we also uncover and identify the issues and challenges that are most important to you and are in need of our immediate attention…so we can start working on them right away.
  2. REPAIR…The goal of the “Repair” step is to reconnect you with your “heart’s desires,” hopes, dreams and goals… those very important “yearnings and wants” which have been untapped and stuck deep within you, just waiting to come out! Then, based on your personal desires, we create a crystal clear, detailed picture of what you want your relationships and life to look like from here on out! During the “Repair” step you will thrive and be energized because you will discover the options and possibilities you have, are never ending! You have SO MANY CHOICES!!! There is a great deal of comfort and relief in this step also, because perhaps for the first time you recognize what it is you really want in life and in your relationships, not what someone else wanted for you.  During this step you realize, there is no room in your life for unhappiness… and joy can be yours again!
  3. RESTORE…The goal of the “Restore” step, is to create a STRATEGIC PLAN for making your “desires, goals & dreams” become a reality…a very exciting and important part of this process! This Plan plays a major role in helping us identify changes needing to be made, changes that will help you to get what it is you really want! These changes help us to formulate specific goals that bring you closer to the desires you have for your life and for your relationships. We put together strategies and equip you with the necessary tools so you have a clear “road map” of exactly what needs to be done to make these changes.…no cookie cutter strategies here…these strategies will be tailor made for your unique situation. Then we put them into ACTION!
  4. RENEW… The goal of the “RENEW” step is, to monitor your progress, evaluate change and transformation taking place, to make adjustments if needed, and most important, to watch your life and relationships being RENEWED!  Because, you have been working hard and carrying out your action plans, you begin to see changes taking place in yourself, in your relationships and in your life! All throughout this stage we continue to evaluate your plan and make adjustments where needed continually. Together we work through resistance, setbacks and roadblocks, while you continue to implement the changes you wanted to make, according to your desires and plan! You are starting to see results! Transformation is taking place as you feel yourself, your relationships and your life being “RENEWED” on a daily basis! You are invigorated and empowered! AND…all of this is happening because you took the initiative to MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!

Inner joy, peace, contentment and HAPPINESS are not overrated! They are truly amazing and you can experience them…after all, you are royalty (the color purple is the universal color for royalty) and you deserve it!

This is what I get to do every day…and I love it! I thrive on seeing people all over the country grow and become fulfilled in their lives and relationships! I have the best job in the world – creating HAPPINESS and SMILES! That’s what a Purple Cheetah Life and Relationship is all about.

If you are looking to put happiness, joy and contentment, back into your relationships and your life… you are in the right place! I would love to talk to you! We can see how the Purple Cheetah Life 4R’s Process can help change your life! Click HERE to schedule a totally FREE, 30 minute, complimentary, no obligation, no commitment 30 minute “Purple Cheetah Life Info Call.”

And the best part…I have a different approach…I don’t pressure or try to hard sell you anything on our call…it would make you feel uncomfortable…and that would not be a good customer experience …which is what Purple Cheetah Life is all about…giving you the best experience possible with the best results possible!

I can answer any questions you may have about coaching,  Purple Cheetah Life, the 4R’s process and anything else you want to talk about! Let’s see how we can eliminate the barriers that are keeping you from getting what you want in life and in your relationships! Let’s see how Purple Cheetah Life can bring happiness back into your life…just as it has for hundreds of women wanting to find fulfillment in their lives and relationships! I can’t wait to meet you!